Women Defying Gravity concert with Thomas John, Hyowon Barlaan in NYC

For March, Women’s Month, we look back and ask, how far have we defied poverty and stereotypes?

By Marivir Montebon

New York - The women's month of March is just around the corner. This year, two women’s organizations will kick off a month-long celebration with a concert-serenade for women leaders.

To kickstart the 69th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI), the Women's Immigration & Communications Cafe (WICCAFE), and the Women & Media (WAM) will hold a concert titled WOMEN DEFYING GRAVITY on March 1, 2025, Saturday, at the Philippine Center on 556 5th Ave. NYC 10036 2-5PM.

Mark the date. March 1, 2025 Saturday Women Defying Gravity, featuring Thomas John and pianist Hyowon Barlaan at the Philippine Center on 5th Avenue, NYC 2-5PM.

2025 is especially significant for women around the world because it is the 30th year since the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on women's empowerment. How far have women all over the world have come in terms of promoting much better lives and communities?

Featured artists are balladeer TJ Castanares and pianist Hyowon Barlaan who will serenade women leaders with an inspiring repertoire with the themes on understanding, healing, and peace leadership for women and youth.

Castanares, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, is a balladeer whose music includes OPM, jazz, and inspirational songs, including his original ‘Sulyap ng Tawag mo.’ Pianist Hyowon Barlaan, a Music student, is a musical genius with a heart for classical music. Together, they will serenade women leaders with an inspirational repertoire.  

This concert is a special partnership with Shinwon Barlaan, PIDCI’s Ginoong Kalayaan 2024, as his special project for peace leadership for the youth. Proceeds will go to WFWP's Filipino Youth Ambassadors for Peace Program and WICCAFE’s #narratives of truth podcast.  

WICCAFE is a nonprofit based in NYC with mandates on immigration education and communications advocacy. WFWPI is an international nongovernmental organization with a general consultation status with the UN's Economic and Social Council and associated with the UN's Department of Global Communication. Both nonprofits have 501 (c) 3 status. 

Tickets are priced at $100 and are tax-deductible. Purchase only through Zelle at 347.776.6836. #


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