OSM! Online Magazine publishes collection of news and features from a decade of work; a 2nd Edition in the offing

Our New York-based OSM! Online magazine www.justcliqit.com reached a milestone of 10 years of community journalism in the US on March 17, 2022.  To honor this decade, some friends and I had a quaint celebratory party that coincided with St. Patrick’s Day at Tito Rad’s Grill on Queens Blvd.  

Dream it

Cheers! OSM! online magazine is 10 years old

Dream it Cheers! OSM! online magazine is 10 years old

We softly released Awesome at 10, a collection of articles and essays from 2012 to 2022 that gives a picture Filipino Americans and their communities in the US. It features trailblazers and a community thriving amid social challenges on the digital platform. Branding on positive journalism, Awesome at 10 is a community mirror on the mainstreaming of the Philippine pancit, lechon, lumpia and Filipiniana – and delves deep on human trafficking, racism, domestic violence, and the sweet victory of hard work.

Cover design by Donald Abelgas. Layout by Jaclyn Reyes. Logo by Lauren May Abellana.

There will be a second edition to this hardbound, 224-page book soon – simply because there are so much beautiful relevant materials which should see print.

See link here on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Awesome-10-Online-Magazine-10th/dp/B09TMVRYRP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UPIV2OENAJXJ&keywords=awesome+at+10+marivir+montebon&qid=1647616031&s=books&sprefix=%2Cstripbooks%2C49&sr=1-1

My daughter Nikki, or Leani Alnica Montebon Auxilio, was the inspiration for the creation of this 10-year-old online magazine. In 2012, it was our ‘aha!’ moment when Nikki was taking up Media Studies in NYC.  She had the basic education to be able to mount and run an online magazine.  Our journey as writers and community journalists then began.  In Nikki’s own words, we told stories of Filipino Americans in the modern-day diaspora “as it is”.

Lumen Castaneda, featured teacher and community organizer

Merly Barlaan and Dr. Laura Garcia, sustainable development trailblazer and nurse-educator, respectively

Writers Sylvia Hubilla, Leani Auxilio, Jeanne Jalandoni, Marvi Lacar, Vanette Colmenares, Debbie Almocera, Licelle Cobrador, Esq., and Justine Calma have their pieces in the book as well.

Jaclyn Reyes did a splendid job for the book lay-out.  Donald Abelgas made a wonderful cover for it, making the logo (created by Lauren May Abellana) eternally refreshing.   Awesome at 10 contains a tribute to Nikki who transitioned in 2019 after a courageous fight with colon cancer.  Somewhere up there, she is smiling at me to see how I’ve continued to wrestle against my sadness of missing her and doing awesome things. #


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