Awesome at 10: A look at the FilAm communities thru a digital lens

They are absolutely enjoying and proud of it. Get a copy now of Awesome at 10 hardbound book from Amazon or from me.

Awesome at 10 is a curated collection of stories and essays about the Filipino American communities. It is all about surviving and thriving of FilAm immigrants and new generations. It speaks of our struggles and inspiration and fun. Makes for a good gift, actually. So please get your copy for history’s keeping and as a way to sustain OSM!’s awesome life as a local news and multimedia platform. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here’s to awesomeness! Vice Consul Tanya Ramiro, Jaclyn Reyes, Ezra Undag, and an enthralled Lily Barlaan. On the right photo is me at the Philippine Center. Thanks for the photos, Edwin Josue.

Some awesome global citizens: Merly Barlaan, Laura Garcia, Lindy Rosales, Edwin Josue, Jerry Sibal, Lumen Castaneda, Licelle Cobrador, and Mampi Ghosh.

Please get a copy from Amazon. Here is the link.


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